Embodying Christ’s Love and Presence in the World

Sundays at 7:45am and 10:15am


We invite you to join us this Sunday!

Listen to Scripture and hear how
the Word of God brings meaning
to our lives in a traditional
Episcopal service.


All are welcome and celebrated at St. Luke’s!

When you connect with our
parish, you will find a community where you are loved, valued, and accepted just as you are.


A parish serving its community since 1890.

At St. Luke’s we desire to foster meaningful connections in our community through serving
those most vunerable.

Whatever path you are on, we are glad it has brought you here. 
Wherever you are in your journey, we are happy to meet you there. 
Whatever you seek, we know that God holds the answer. 
We invite you to travel with us, to grow with us, to rest with us.
Welcome to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church!

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