Serve at St. Luke’s
Liturgy is the work of the people and each of us has gifts we can offer in worship on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to explore our various ministries and experiment and see what fits best. You will not be alone. Our ministry leaders and other servers will provide training and guide you as you step into your new role. If you would like to serve on Sundays, reach out to the ministry contact listed in the descriptions. We are excited for you to serve on Sundays at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church!
Altar Guild
The St. Luke’s Altar Guild is a spiritual ministry that is instrumental in preparing the altar for Sunday worship and Communion, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other services. They also care for the altar and its furnishings and linens. This ministry includes four teams, rotating on assigned weeks each month, and comes together each quarter for prayer, brunch, and fellowship. Anticipated monthly commitment: one hour on Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and one hour on Sundays, serving a half hour before and after service. Contact Eve Barbaria to learn more or join the ministry.
Altar Servers
This personally spiritual ministry is deeply rooted in the tradition and ritual of the Episcopal Church and vital to worship at St. Luke’s. This ministry also welcomes youth members to serve as crucifers and torch bearers. Altar servers include:
Acolytes are active participants in worship who assist the celebrant in preparing the table for Holy Eucharist and administering the holy sacrament of Communion. The acolyte also carries the Gospel Book during the procession of the clergy and choir to the altar.
Crucifers carry the cross, or crucifix, and lead the procession and recession of the clergy and choir.
Torch Bearers carry candles alongside the crucifix during the procession and recession.
Lectors read the lessons from Scripture appointed each Sunday.
Contact Cathi Long for information or to join. Anticipated commitment 20 minutes before and 1 - 1.5 hours during service.
Ushering ensures that church services, including Communion, run smoothly and congregants have what they need. Often, ushers are the first in-person contact visitors to our church experience. Ushers greet worshippers and distribute the worship bulletin, assist those who need extra help, secure the building once the service begins, and clean and secure the Nave after the service has ended. Anticipated commitment: 1.5-2 hours per service. For information or to join contact the church office.
Music and Choir
Music at St. Luke’s is joyful and vibrant and a critical part of our worship, particularly the Sunday 10:15 service where the focus is on traditional hymns along with occasional selections from our contemporary Rx Songbook. The 10:15 service also features a full choir of professional singers and parishioners that leads us in song for the Processional and Recessional, Gospel Hymn, the Psalm and Lord’s Prayer, as well as hymns during Holy Eucharist. Anyone who is passionate about singing is encouraged to join the choir. Trumpeters and other instrumentalists frequently embellish the music on Holy Days. For more information please contact Tom Strickland. Anticipated weekly commitment: Choir rehearsal each Thursday 7:00-8:30 pm, Sunday at 9:45 am before 10:15 service. Service generally lasts 1 ¼ hours.
Church School Teachers
Put your love of teaching and children to serving as a Church School teacher or assistant responsible for teaching and instructing children and youth in Christian principles and values. They prepare lesson plans and use a variety of teaching methods such as storytelling, crafts, and games to engage the children and youth and help them understand and apply the teachings. They may also work with other volunteers and coordinate events such as holiday programs. Anticipated weekly commitment: one hour each Sunday plus occasional meetings with the Faith Formation Minister and/or others. Contact Gordon Tucker to learn more or volunteer.
Coffee Hour Hosts
Hosts for Coffee Hour following the 10:15 service purchase food items, double-check that an abundant supply of coffee is available, set out food on plates, platters, and bowls from the kitchen cabinets, and clean up afterwards. There can be more than one host on any Sunday. Coffee and tea are supplied by the church. Food choices can be simple (cookies, cupcakes, fruit, small sandwiches, cheese cubes etc.) or as extensive as you’d like (warm food, meat slices, cakes and pies, etc). Directions for preparing coffee and other cleanup tips are posted in the kitchen. Often, parishioners pitch in to assist when needed. Sign up on a clipboard in the Welcome Center next to the kitchen. Anticipated commitment on a Sunday of your choice: aside from grocery shopping, generally 15 minutes for setup, one hour for socializing and 30 minutes for cleanup. For information or to host contact the church office.
Building and Grounds
Any and all are welcome to join this ministry, which assesses and provides input for improvements to our historic building and keeps a running inventory of issues, inside and out, that need attention and maintenance. You don’t have to be “handy,” have electrical or plumbing skills, or a green thumb, just eyes and ears to see and hear what needs to be done. Contact Tom Schwartz to join this ministry.
We are always looking for parishioners interested in joining the Church Safety Ministry. You do not need a background in law enforcement, the military, firefighting, the medical profession, or emergency management. It takes someone who is interested in being part of something that is larger than themselves and is motivated to make a positive difference in people’s lives. We can train and educate you for any position you would like to consider. This training will benefit you not only as a family member in handling family emergencies at home, but also better prepare you to respond to an emergency in a public place. Learn more here and contact Mason Whitney with any questions.