Frequently Asked Questions
The Episcopal worship service uses the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) for the liturgy and Holy Eucharist. The service includes the gathering of people in prayer, readings from Scripture, music to illuminate the readings, sermons reflecting the scripture, offerings and Holy Eucharist – communion with bread and wine taken at the altar rail at the front of the nave.
We welcome people of all religious backgrounds in their spiritual journey through worship and fellowship. Services, using Rite Two in the Book of Common Prayer, are held at 7:45 and 10:15 a.m. every Sunday, and include:
-Scriptural readings, including the psalm and Gospel
-Guided prayers for our community, our world and personal or private concerns
-Relevant sermon messages connecting the word of God to our current lives
-An offering from members to support St. Luke’s ministries and community outreach
-The Peace, a moment of fellowship as we greet one another
-Holy Eucharist, with people moving to the altar rail for blessings and communion
-Announcements about important church news
Everyone is invited to come to the rail for communion and/or a blessing. If you prefer not to receive the bread and/or the wine, simply cross your hands over your chest to receive a blessing. Or, remain in the pew during this part of the service.
The 7:45am service: a quieter, simpler service with little or no music.
The 10:15am service: this service begins with a joyous processional hymn and choir, which includes parishioners and professional sectional singers. Music is featured at various times during worship, with hymns also sung before the Gospel reading, during Communion and during the Recessional at the end of the service. Traditional selections are taken from the blue Hymnal, while the Rx Songbook offers more contemporary music. We also sing the Lord’s Prayer and the appointed psalm each Sunday.
Church School for children and youth is held upstairs during the first half of the 10:15 service, with the children joining their parents for Holy Eucharist.
Coffee Hour follows each service. You are invited to join the crowd in the Parish Hall for snacks and beverages.
The Sunday Adult Forum is held from 9-10am in the Parish Hall.
Yes! St. Luke’s is an open and affirming church. We believe in the worthiness of every individual and respect their dignity, including people of all ages, gender, race, culture, sexual orientation, family configuration, economic circumstance, and religious tradition. We celebrate our unity in Christ, always putting the work of love before uniformity of opinion. All are welcome to participate fully in the life and ministry of St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
None! Please feel comfortable to askushers, clergy, and others for any assistance.
-Many of our congregation wear a name tag, and one can be made for you if you choose to wear one.
Our Location: 1270 Poplar St. Denver on the corner of 13th Avenue and Quebec Street in East Denver’s Montclair neighborhood and proximate to Central Park, Aurora, Lowry, Mayfair and Park Hill.
Parking: Street parking is available on Poplar and other neighborhood streets (which feature broad sidewalks), but many parishioners use the large parking lot directly behind the church, at the corner of 13th and Quebec.
Entrances: Look for the bright red doors!
-Parking Lot Door: At the rear of the church off the parking lot. There are a few steps and a ramp to access the building. The nursery is on the left. Once in the hallway, a ramp and steps located on the right lead down past the kitchen into the Welcome Center with access to the courtyard, chapel and sanctuary.
-13th Avenue Door: Take a few steps to enter directly into Nave (Sanctuary).
-Main Door: Located near the flagpole off the courtyard on the west side of the building, this door also provides direct access to the Nave. The Courtyard is accessible from the Welcome Center and by taking the steps up from Poplar Street.
-A Ramp Door off the parking lot on the northeast side of the building provides step-free entrance to the Parish Hall and onward to the Courtyard and Nave or to St. Mary’s Chapel, adjacent to the Nave.
Restrooms: Located in the back hallway (near the parking lot door and nursery), restrooms are accessible from the steps and ramp near the kitchen.
Accessibility: St. Luke’s historic building has options for step-free access:
-A wide entrance ramp from the parking lot door into the building
-An interior hallway ramp near the kitchen to restrooms with accessible facilities
-Wheelchair for anyone’s use near the east Ramp Door
-Ramp access from St. Mary’s Chapel to the Courtyard and Nave
Eucharist - the ceremony of taking bread and wine in memory of Christ, also known as Communion with the Host = the bread (actually a wafer) given to each person along with the Cup of wine in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. All are welcome to come to the Altar rail for Communion and/or a blessing. A blessing without Communion can be offered by folding your arms across your chest. Receiving either the host OR wine serves as full communion.
Nave - the worship space also known as a Sanctuary
Offering - members donate a financial gift, often to fulfill an annual pledge, in support of the ministry of the church and in recognition of our core values. Donations are not mandatory, and visitors are not expected to make an offering.
Peace - a moment after the Sermon when the congregation stands and greets others nearby
Responsive reading - the reader, or lector, will say part of a phrase and the congregation reads the next part
We treasure the joy and excitement of children and provide care and learning for all ages!
-A supervised nursery includes hygienic cribs, toys and play areas.
-Church school for children and youth ages 3-18 is held in the Sacred Space upstairs. The stairway is located in the back hallway across from the nursery.
-Youth members are invited to participate in the 10:15 worship servicer as Torch Bearers, Ushers and Crucifers.
-Activity Bags with crayons and coloring sheets are for children attending Sunday services when not in Church School – just ask an Usher.
There are many programs and ministries at St. Luke’s that offer opportunities to serve and build faith and fellowship.
-Learn how you can get involved in the many ministries at St. Luke’s including, Alter Guild, Altar Servers, Building and Grounds, Choir and Music, Daughters of the King, Coffee Hour, Safety and Preparedness, and Ushers.
-Adult Education: Meet with other adults for enlightening workshops, seminars, classes. Learn more here.
-Senior Exercise Class: Enjoy fellowship and stretch your muscles in sessions that provide fun, balance, and fellowship Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays 9-10am in the Parish Hall.
We would be happy to welcome you! Please fill out our online Contact Card or an information card in the pew and place it in the collection plate. If you were baptized in an Episcopal church or baptized in another Christian denomination, you can become a member of St Luke's. If you have not been baptized or would like more information, please contact the church office via email or phone at 303-355-2331.
First-Aid Supplies can be found throughout the church including in the Kitchen, Office and Sacristy.
Outreach baskets are always on the stage area of the Parish Hall for donations of food, school supplies, clothing and toiletries and household items.
Our Free Little Library is a freestanding cabinet of books on Poplar Street. Take a book, bring a book, keep it or bring it back.
After the 10:15 service, the fresh altar flowers are often available to take home. Check with a member of the Altar Guild after the service if interested. These flowers are made possible by the donations of church members, often in memory or celebration of a loved one.
Did You Know?
Have other questions or special requests? Ask Us! Email the church or call us at 303-355-2331.
Even to long-time parishioners, our building can feel like a maze of rooms, but people are always happy to help. Here are the main areas of our church – feel free to explore!
Nave: Our sanctuary for worship has multiple entrances. Step in and enjoy the beauty of the wooden beams, stained glass windows and altar.
St. Mary’s Chapel: Adjacent to the front of the Nave without steps, this is an easy-access space for Sunday worship and quiet prayer with pews facing the pulpit and altar areas.
Centennial Room: Located at the back of the Nave, this room contains historical documents, artifacts from our past and striking stained glass. On the third Sunday of the month, our Daughters of the King chapter offers personal prayer in this room following the 10:15 service.
Choir Room: Stairs just inside the Main Door lead to the rehearsal space for the choir.
Sacristy: Located off the altar area, this is where members of the Altar Guild prepare the supplies (linens, wine, host, candles, flowers) for services and where Clergy, Acolytes and Crucifers robe and prepare.
These spaces are Adjacent to the Nave off the Courtyard and Columbarium
The Welcome Center, located next to the kitchen, is where you’ll find name tags, sign-up sheets for activities, vintage photos, access to the Parish Hall and, importantly, the coffee and tea carts.
Kitchen: Helpful hands prepare Coffee Hour snacks and meals for celebrations and special events.
Parish Hall (next to the Welcome Center): This hub of activity serves as a gathering place for Coffee Hour, special lunches and dinners, adult education presentations and parish meetings, and provides baskets for making donations
These spaces are up the Ramp/Stairs near the Kitchen
Stairs to the Church School area: Children’s Education – Godly Play
Common Room (to the right of the restrooms): A meeting room for Adult Education and other groups
Nursery (to the left of the restrooms): Easy drop-off with our coordinator in a secure space
Church Office (past the Common Room and down a few steps): Offices of our Clergy and Parish Administrator.